Once that’s done, choose a location for the environment, and create it with the virtualenv command. For our guide, we’re going to choose /home/sentry
Install Sentry
Database Setup
Initializing the Configuration
Now you’ll need to create the default configuration.
To do this, you’ll use the init command You can specify an alternative configuration path as the argument to init, otherwise it will use the default of ~/.sentry.
The configuration for the server is based on sentry.conf.server, which contains a basic Django project configuration, as well as the default Sentry configuration values.
Running Migrations
Sentry provides an easy way to run migrations on the database on version upgrades.
Before running it for the first time you’ll need to make sure you’ve created the database.
Once done, you can create the initial schema using the upgrade command
Next up you’ll need to create the first user, which will act as a superuser
All schema changes and database upgrades are handled via the upgrade command, and this is the first thing you’ll want to run when upgrading to future versions of Sentry.
Starting the Web Service
Sentry provides a built-in webserver (powered by uWSGI) to get you off the ground quickly, also you can setup Sentry as WSGI application, in that case skip to section Running Sentry as WSGI application.
Start Builtin Webserver
Start Workers
A large amount of Sentry’s work is managed via background workers.
These need run in addition to the web service workers