A photo of Hetal Shah

Hetal Shah

Awesome Girl

Email Twitter Google+

Guest Post Guidelines


Setup Work Directory

  • We need to setup work directory and clone this blog.
mkdir -p ~/Github/
cd ~/Github/
git clone git@github.com:MiteshShah/miteshshah.github.io.git
cd ~/Github/miteshshah.github.io


Author Override

  • Start by editing authors.yml file in the _data folder and add your authors using the following format.
# Authors

  name: Hetal Shah
  email: hs8290hs@gmail.com
  bio: "Awesome Girl"
  gravatar: 7f1f44ee22b0131ca70b2b90bccb0c8b
  twitter: username
    plus: username

Note! You have to add your Gravatar Email Hash.

Create Post

  • Create new post under guide categories
octopress new post "New Post Title" --dir guide
  • Open atom and edit newly created post
atom atom _posts/guide/2015-05-18-new-post-title.markdown
  • Assign author - Now add author: Hetal_Shah at the top of file.
  • Enable comments - Now add comments: true at the top of file.
layout: post
title: "Guest Post Guidelines"
author: Hetal_Shah
comments: true
categories: guide
excerpt: "How to setup jekyll and create guest post guidelines"
tags: [Guide, Jekyll, Guest Post]
date: 2015-05-18T17:49:06+05:30
jekyll serve --config _config_dev.yml
  • Now start writing your content and test it using above url, Once you are done with testing submit a pull request.

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