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Mitesh Shah

Linux Expert | Automation Enthusiast | Security Consultant

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LEMP Stack - Shared Hosting Model

What’s Its Cover?

  1. Shared Hosting Model
  2. NGINX Installation & Setup
  3. PHP7 Installation & Setup
  4. MySQL Installation & Setup
  5. WordPress Installation & Setup

What is LEMP Stack

  • LEMP is a variation of the ubiquitous LAMP stack used for developing and deploying web applications.
  • Traditionally, LAMP consists of Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP.
  • Due to its modular nature, the components can easily be swapped out. With LEMP, Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful NGINX.
  1. First 5 Minutes on Setup Linux Server Security
  2. LEMP Stack - Conventions & File System Layout
  3. Setup User Account
  4. Install & Setup NGINX PageSpeed
  5. Publish Soon - Install & Setup PHP7
  6. Publish Soon - Install & Setup MariaDB
  7. Publish Soon - Install & Setup WordPress