Feel free to add those commands in below comments box.
| !! Repeat last command |
| !char Repeat last command That started with char |
| !num Repeat a command by its number in history output |
| |
| !-n Repeat a command entered n command back |
| !?abc Repeat last command that contains (as opposed to ?started with?) abc |
| UP DOWN Keys Scroll through previous commands |
| Ctrl+r Reverse-i-search |
Clear Terminal
Run Previous Command With Root/Sudo Privilege
Run Previous Command With Search/Replace For First Instance
Run Previous Command With Search/Replace For All The Instance
Execute Command Without Saving in History
Prepending one or more spaces to your command won’t be saved in history.
NOTE!: HISTCONTROL=ignorespace will ignore just the commands that begin with a space. Use HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth if you also want to ignore duplicates.
Paste Last Argument of Most Recent Command
| Esc . The escape key followed by a period. |
| Alt+. Hold down alt key while pressing the period. |
| !$ Only valid for last argument |
Paste Selected Argument
This comes in handy when you’ve written a long command with multiple arguments and you want to reuse one of them.
Reset Terminal
Sometime we send binary output to the terminal, Which make terminal not useable.
The reset command reset your terminal, Note that when you type reset its won’t properly echo back on terminal.
Display Mount Filesystem in Nice Layout
Compare Remote File with Local File
Decide Which Command Run On Success and Fail
Execute Command After Every 2 Seconds
Check Last Command Status
If command run Successfully then exit status is zero
If command doesn’t run Successfully then exit status is non-zero